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Quality Assurance (QA) in Software Testing

asked by MU in Nov-2019 examination

Quality Assurance (QA) :

  • In Software Testing, Quality Assurance is described as a technique for ensuring the quality of software product's or service's given to client by a company.
  • Any systematic process of verifying whether a product or service fulfills stated requirement's is known as Quality Assurance.
  • Quality Assurance is concerned with making the software development process more efficient and effective in accordance with the quality standards established for software product's.
  • Quality assurance is a proactive procedure that identifies strategies to avoid bugs in the software development process.
  • A Quality Assurance System is designed to boost consumers trust and credibility while also enhancing work procedure's and efficiency allowing a company to compete more effectively.
  • The ISO is a driving force behind Quality Assurance Methods and the mapping of the Quality Assurance Processes.
  • Quality Assurance is frequently used in conjunction with the ISO 9000 International Standard.
  • Quality Assurance is a less time consuming activity.
  • Verification is the example of Quality Assurance.


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